
Dental Anxiety
If you feel great discomfort before your treatment, we are one of the few clinics in Sweden that can offer you everything from sedation to full anesthesia.
Are you missing one or more teeth? Then a dental implant can restore your lost teeth. The implant functions as an artificial tooth root, on top of which we can then attach your new dental crown. Only the implant crown is visible in the mouth.
What sets us apart from other clinics is that we often advocate a immediate installation, which means that you get your new tooth the same day. Through this technique, much of your own tissue can be preserved and the healing time shortened. The operation requires a lot of experience and planning, which you can feel safe with with us – we accept referrals for advanced oral surgery such as bone and soft tissue reconstruction as well as implant surgery. We see that our remitters choose us as a seal of quality.
After your implant treatment is completed, we often advocate that you visit regularly with one of our dental hygienists for a long-term good prognosis.